Steps to Clean Up Your Business
A big problem with revamping your business to fit the new world is all of the built up clutter and baggage from old clients or advertising techniques or even just random paperwork from years ago that should’ve been thrown in the wood chipper along with the dying fads of the 80’s. First step to cleaning up your business and starting over is discerning what is and what isn’t clutter or junk.
- Purge – Purge records, clients, contractors and systems that no longer work. Eliminating clutter can help with our productivity. Along those lines, clean out your email boxes and your contacts. It frees up space and just lightens the load.
- Rethink – Figure out who your market and clientele are and serve them well. Rediscover them and make sure they know how much they are appreciated. Imagine a new level of success for yourself. Create podcasts, blogs, write a book, create and teach a webinar, or find that perfect high level interview for all your social media platforms.
- Setup Plans – Step-by-step action plans can help you focus on what’s important to your business. Vision boards are also helpful in the planning process for your company. Scheduling your tasks in your calendar helps you to execute. Schedule time to work on your business.
- Repeat as necessary!